Another short story of mine is published
Posted on September 1, 2020 inBlog, Short stories
My short story, ‘Truth’, has been published by esteemed crime publishers Close to the Bone.
It’s a quick, thrilling read at just over 2,500 words so won’t take you long to enjoy. You can read ‘Truth’ by clicking here.
Close to the Bone has been publishing quality, edgy crime fiction – in both short and long form – for a while now, and I’m honoured and humbled to be included amongst its stirring output. Check out more about their books here.
‘Truth’ follows on the back of my other published short stories, notably ‘No one has to Know’ in Rock and a Hard Place magazine and ‘Washed Up’ in Fahrenheit Press’s Noirville collection.
Watch this space for more short stories of mine coming soon…